czwartek, 27 lutego 2020


Proffer definition is - to present for acceptance : tender, offer. How to use proffer in a sentence. Dowiedź się więcej.

Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności. Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów. English dictionary definition of proffer.

A proffer is an offer made prior to any formal negotiations. In a trial, to proffer (sometimes profer) is to offer evidence in support of an argument, or elements of an affirmative defense or offense. A party with the burden of proof must proffer sufficient evidence to carry that burden.

She proffered him her cheek to kiss. I wonder if I might proffer an opinion? This, too, is a liberal measure which will proffer practical benefits, the kinds that come from knowing you can do your job and live your life free from the tyranny of prejudice. To także jest środek o charakterze liberalnym, który przyniesie praktyczne korzyści w postaci świadomości, że można pracować i żyć w świecie wolnym od tyranii podszytej uprzedzeniami.

Z słownika – wolnego słownika wielojęzycznego. Przejdź do nawigacji Przejdź do wyszukiwania.

The definition of a proffer is an offer or offering. An example of a proffer is a description given by a lawyer as a preview of testimony. Synonyms for proffer at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for proffer.

Newland low-voiced congratulations. Spencer refused to proffer an apology. Information, however, was not proffer ed at once. A tray of exquisite desserts was proffer ed at the end of the meal.

They proffer grapes, strawberries, orange slices, pastries, coffee. Her lips, man, her lips! I would not make to every one who crosses my threshold. But, by good St Valentine, (whose holiday will dawn to-morrow,) I am so glad to see thee in the bonny city of Perth again, that it would be hard to tell the thing I could refuse thee. Others Are Reading.

We see improving retail and hospitality experiences as our contribution to the local economy. Each product designed and crafte from a counter top to a stool, manifests the team’s attention to detail, experimentation and sustainability. Sprawdź tutaj tłumaczenei angielski-hiszpański słowa proffer w słowniku online PONS!

Gratis trener słownictwa, tabele odmian czasowników, wymowa. Once the defendant spills the beans at the proffer , his lawyers and the government lawyers work out a deal - how much will the government give up for his information or testimony?

Said here, here is the deal, here is a written proffer. Obviously, she never said that - again, read the proffer - and she stuck to her guns. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word proffer will help you to finish your crossword today.

In order for the defendant to enter the proffer agreement, the government will agree to provide the defendant several important benefits in return for receiving valuable and true information. The word “ proffer ” can mean different things, depending on the context in which it is used. What is a “ proffer ”? In the context of a trial or a hearing, for example, a “ proffer ” means an offer of proof: an attorney formally tells the court what the evidence would have shown, instead of actually presenting the evidence. Such “ proffer s” are made for the sake of convenience, so.

In the context of criminal law, a proffer agreement is a written agreement between federal prosecutors and individuals under criminal investigation which permit these individuals to give the government information about crimes with some assurances that they will be protected against prosecution.

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